
The following outlines additional roles supported by this extension.

Emoticon Macro

The following role can be used to help include Confluence emoticon macros into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 1.9.

The confluence_emoticon role allows a user to build inlined emoticon macros. For example:

:confluence_emoticon:`tick`: This is done.

:confluence_emoticon:`cross`: This is incomplete.


The following role can be used to help include Jira macros into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 1.7.

The jira role allows a user to build an inlined Jira macro to be configured with a provided Jira key. For example:

See :jira:`TEST-123` for more details.

See also Jira directives.



LaTeX support requires dvipng/dvisvgm to be installed on system; however, if a Confluence instance supports a LaTeX macro, the confluence_latex_macro (ref) option can be used instead. For more information, please read Math support.

The following role can be used to help include LaTeX content into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 1.8.

The confluence_latex role allows a user to build inlined LaTeX content. For example:

This is a :confluence_latex:`$\\mathfrak{t}$est`.

See also LaTeX directives.


The following role can be used to help include Confluence mentions into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 1.9.


Confluence Cloud mentions should always use account identifiers; where Confluence Server mentions should use either usernames or user keys. Attempting to use Confluence Cloud account identifiers when publishing to a Confluence server will most likely result in an “Unsupported Confluence API call” error (500).

The confluence_mention role allows a user to build inlined mentions. For Confluence Cloud instances, a mention to a specific user’s account identifier would be defined as follows:

See :confluence_mention:`3c5369:fa8b5c24-17f8-4340-b73e-50d383307c59`.

For Confluence Server instances, a mention to a specific user can either be set to the username value, or a user’s key value:

For more information, contact :confluence_mention:`myuser`.
Contact :confluence_mention:`b9aaf35e80441f415c3a3d3c53695d0e` for help.

A user mapping table can also be configured using the confluence_mentions (ref) option.

Status Macro

The following role can be used to help include Confluence status macro into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 1.9.

The confluence_status role allows a user to build inlined status macros. For example:

:confluence_status:`My Status`

The color of a status macro can be configured to a value supported by Confluence’s status macro. For example, to adjust the status value to a yellow color, the following can be used:

:confluence_status:`WARNING <yellow>`

To tweak the style of a status macro to an outlined variant (if supported by the configured Confluence editor), adjust the color enclosure to square brackets:

:confluence_status:`PASSED [green]`


The following role can be used to explicitly define strikethrough text into generated Confluence documents.


Added in version 2.1.

The confluence_strike role allows a user to build inlined text that has been styled with a strikethrough. For example:

:confluence_strike:`My text`